Not quite a FAQ...

The Art

I am intimidated as fuck by the idea of writing an artist statement.

I spent my childhood drawing almost compulsively. All of my homework was turned in surrounded by marginalia. I spent my early adulthood working mostly in brush & ink, in the spirit of comic art. I spent my middle adulthood miserable. Now I'm back at the art thing in my later adulthood, and other people seem to like what I'm doing.

I'm currently focusing on watercolor painting and digital art. My watercolors and art prints all use 100% cotton, archival quality papers. I never use AI tools for anything, including the text on this website.

Our Team

For now, the "team" is just me, myself, and I: Teresa Knezek

Everything purchased on this site is either shipped from my house here in Interior Alaska, or it is printed to order and shipped from a print on demand service (which will always be noted in the product listing).

It would be very exciting if this little venture grew to the point that I needed a team, but for now I mostly do not. Except when I set up my booth at local vendor events and markets. Then I very much need a teammate, and I'm deeply thankful that my husband doesn't mind hanging out with me all day.


I am so very grateful to everyone who buys & loves my art...

The watercolor painting by Teresa Knezek ( just arrived. I love it so much. I never thought I would love watercolor paintings until I saw hers.

— Kate K.

I seriously cannot believe how fucking beautiful this is. It is now my favorite piece of jewelry.

— Renee K.

(I swear neither K last name there is a relative of mine. hahaha)